Measuring change and strategy

We help you develop better metrics to measure progress on strategy and change initiatives like culture transformations.

It is difficult to track progress on change initiatives, especially large culture transformations. Organisations are complex. We don’t always know what effects a change in one part of the organisation will have on other parts.

Measurement needs to be sensitive to what you are trying to change. It needs to pick up what is emerging as your interventions unfold. Very often, existing metrics do not capture what is going on – they’re not designed for your unique context or your objectives.

We help you design metrics that are relevant and sensitive to the complexity of your situation and change journey. By drawing on the wisdom within your organisation, we help you identify the most important things you need to achieve or change, and the best ways to measure them.

Tailored metrics like these enable you to monitor shifts in different parts of the organisation, and to make wise decisions about your next priorities and actions.

Outcomes we help you achieve

clarity about what is important to measure

relevant metrics to measure the important things you want to achieve

useful, rich data to help track and steer your change initiatives and strategy

area specific data that helps people make sense of what is happening in their part of the organisation

people with a greater capacity to use data for wise and effective decisions, to know where to focus attention, and what actions to take

new possibilities for accountability to boards and the executive

Measurement dialogues

In these workshops, we help you develop measurement that aligns with and advances your strategy, objectives and aspired culture.

We bring together people with diverse perspectives, across the organisation, to clarify the most important things to measure and the most practical, useful, and effective metrics to use.

Our process of rethinking measurement actually deepens people’s understandings of each other’s roles and the organisation’s context and strategy. We see direct impacts on people’s decision-making and organisational performance.

Partnering, advice and coaching

We can guide you in all aspects of measuring and evaluating complex changes or programs. Our approach is to partner with you, to build your capacities - to bring evaluation and measurement in house and embedded in work practices.

We can help you measure and evaluate the progress of large-scale initiatives, like culture transformations; and particular initiatives, like leadership programs. We can also help with developing an organisation–wide measurement and evaluation strategy.

Because this is a wide range of things, and each is complex in its own way, we draw on an ecosystem of collaborators with distinct expertise, tools and methods.  This means we can provide whatever is required for your situation or intervention. For example, we work with:

  • Adaptive Cultures - powerful culture expertise and culture diagnostic

  • Qualie - rich qualitative and quantitative data gathering options and digital storytelling

  • Systemic Development Associates - deep and transformative systems approaches